Good Honest Bakery Logo
Supplying Nationwide

Baked the good, honest way

Made by hand and heart, and baked to perfect imperfection.
Good Honest Bakery Tagline
Good Honest Bakery Tagline
Made by hand and heart and baked to perfect imperfection.
The Good Stuff
Lets Talk

Made by hand and heart.

Baked to perfect imperfection.

Sliced bread on a chopping board

The Goods

Our Breads

Four hamburger buns stacked up

Buns, Baps & Bagels

Fill with goodness

A Good Honest burger

Honestly Amazing

Savoury Treats and Pastries

A collection of Good Honest Goodies


Sweet Treats

Good Honest People.

Made by people who care about quality as much as you do.

The Good Honest Bakery team

People are our finest ingredient.

A recipe or a process is not a competitive advantage. Our people are our advantage and that’s why they come before anything. Treat each other right and the rest will take care of itself.

A tray of unbaked rolls

Radically transparent.

We’re as radically transparent about our ingredient list as we are with each other. Honesty builds trust and trust helps us all be at our best. So don’t be afraid to say what you think or to speak your mind because honesty is baked into our name.

A baker laying out some dough

Good things take time.

Just like the perfect loaf of sourdough takes hours to cure, so do our customer relationships. We play the long game. And if that means we have to take a hit in the short term, so be it.

Good Honest crispy bark on a tray

We do the right thing,
not the easy thing.

We use real ingredients, with easy to understand names, we believe that's what gets the best result for our customers. The same goes with other matters. We do right by the customer always, because without them we are nothing.

The good word.

Honest feedback from our customers.
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Good Honest
Good Honest Bakery Logo
Good Honest Bakery Logo